Hi Everyone, today we handed over RESMED LUMIS 150 VPAP ST-A MACHINE - DH Mathugama.Dr. Lahiru Dedduwakumara from the hospital accepted the machine from the vendor .
Equipment for General Hospital Mathugama
- Project Location
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
- Total Funds
Rs. 450,000
- People Benefits
Hi Everyone, today we handed over RESMED LUMIS 150 VPAP ST-A MACHINE - DH Mathugama.
Dr. Lahiru Dedduwakumara from the hospital accepted the machine from the vendor and it was handed over to the staff for the use of the treatment unit to treat a huge number of COVID19 cases in the kalutara area.
This machine is designed for non-dependent patients with respiratory insufficiency or obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and is a non-invasive ventilator with a set of fixed and adjustable alarms that delivers personalized ventilation.
Together with an intelligent Backup Rate (iBR) and optional AutoEPAP, iVAPS continuously monitors ventilation and the upper airway to help you further personalize
therapy for the patients.
Thank you for all your donations to make this project a success. And thank you @ashini epa for creating this birthday fundraiser to get together with your friends to make this project possible.
We will share the final invoices and the list of contributors soon.