COVID 3rd wave - Help Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 hospital sector
COVID 3rd wave - Help Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 hospital sector
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Ongoing fundraiser progress.
Due to the urgency of the situation in Sri Lanka, we have made arrangements to use part of the funds collected for this fundraiser and hand off the following equipment to equipment to the hospitals that desperately need them during this COVID wave in Sri Lanka.
* 10 oxygen regulators to 8 hospital ICU care units
(hospitals include - BH Balangoda, TH Anuradhapura, TH Batticaloa, DGH Embilipitiya, DGH Kalutara, DGH Nawalapitiya, KDU Hospital, BH Chilaw) totaling Rs. 150,000
* 5 CPAP masks to 2 hospital ICU care units
(hospitals include - KDU hospital, DCU Trincomalee) totaling Rs. 52,500
The donation was made to the college of Anesthesiologist and intensivists of Sri Lanka, (an governing body of senecio doctors) which is a centrally manages and priorities the requests from government hospitals. As you can see, the hospitals were carefully picked to ensure that even the most rural hospitals would get their needs met.
The request was sent to us by volunteer @Yasaara kaluarachchi from the project virya team and thank you for coordinating the efforts.
To everyone who donated so far, thank you the good you do should keep you healthy and safe during these hardest if times.
If you wish to donate, Facebook fundraiser through Raise SL - https://www.facebook.com/donate/315792880230217/?fundraiser_source=external_url