With your help we were able to assist another Rural School, Mugunuwala primary school which is in Walihelathanna village in Sabaragamuwa district.
Mugunuwala Primary School - School Supplies
- Project Location
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
- Total Funds
LKR 73376
- People Benefits
With your help we were able to assist another Rural School, Mugunuwala primary school which is in Walihelathanna village in Sabaragamuwa district. The school was in desperate need for essential supplies for their library. They were using school desks to manage their library. We donated a library cupboard and an office cupboard for the school so that the school can help these 160 students learn and study. There were 21 students who did not have school supplies for the new school term, we bought school supplies for these students.
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