Clean Water| Save Life - Sarubima kanishta vidyalaya
Clean Water| Save Life - Sarubima kanishta vidyalaya
- Project Location
arubima Primary School - Alahera
- Project Start Date
Sarubima Primary School is located in an extremely rural area of Alahara division, Hingurakgoda educational division in Polonnaruwa district of North Central province. The student population is around 200 and the academic staff is 16. The majority of the parents of the students are farmers and temporary workers. Some of the family and friends of the students are suffering from kidney related diseases due to unclean drinking water. The water filter at school is out of service. The water bottles that the students bring from their homes are not sufficient for consumption through out the day. Their humble request was to renovate the water filter to ensure the health and safety of our students and the staff.
The funding for repair of the water filter was by @Thelisha Hasanthi Peiris. So thank you for your kindness. These students will indeed be thankful for preventing them from possible kidney diseases from a small age!
The project was successfully carried out with the help of Harshana Lakmal and Hard Truths. This initiative was closely liaised with the Divisional hospital for recommendations as well as Zonal offices for education in Polonnaruwa to ensure that schools which are in dire need of the repairs were addressed. So we want to thank all of you who did the due diligence to ensure that the most needed schools were served.
If you want to be part of this program the fundraiser is
https://www.facebook.com/donate/1650644055673275/ and every dollar counts!
Or you can sponsor for a water filter repair which costs around USD 250 or a new water filter which is needed for a set of identified schools and costs around USD 1000 please contact us.
#raisesrilanka #cleanwater #SriLanka #bethechange #donation #rurallife